His Freshest of Air
Beautiful afternoon, Sunday. We indulged ourselvesin a rambling drive along Deerfield Road.After a few miles,we passed a stretch of greening slopes.I glanced over just in timeto see several clusters of WILD CROCUSES!!Yaaay!I nearly jumped out of the car (wanting to take pictures)but Sam was driving too fastand couldn't stop right away.I was sure we would see more up the road,so I urged him on.
Alas, miles and miles of no crocuses. :-(Beautiful scenery, but no crocuses.
Later, as we were returning(driving a loop known to locals),Sam expressed an interest intaking our walk-of-the-dayalong a forest road popular with both of us.He was about to pull in to park,but we saw someone else already driving the road.I used that as an excuse to not walk there...
- true confession - my real reason was...I was SURE there were no crocuses on this road(having walked it other springswith no satisfaction in the search).
Sensing, however, that Sam really wantedto walk on this particular road(his hopes being to possibly spot an elk herdthe like of which we had sitedseveral times, previously),I became ok with this walk, this place.
He turned in and pulled up to park...and right there, directly in my line of vision— a beautiful clump of crocuses!The late afternoon sun was shining on themand this gave me some very pretty pictures.
At the height of our serene walk,Sam pointed out another pasque flowerwhich led me to yet anotherclump of the fuzzy little beauties.As you can perhaps imagine,the happiest part of it all was...
GOD had provided where I least expected.
Although we didn't see any actual elk this time,we did see plenty of sign of them,including a nice rubwhich Sam wanted to be photographed by,so he could email the fun to a Florida friend.Sam also found a shed (antler),and was thrilled for it.I halfway tripped,in my vain effort to see the shed (building).
We did, too, see a shed of sorts,an old abandoned miner's cabincrumpled up on the ground (second pic).
The Lord blessed both of uswhile filling our lungs with His freshest of air.

Below is how the cabin may have appearedin its glory days.This cute thing is along a secondary road.It has a name-sign which reads...
Dear Lodge
As a fitting followup to our adventure,here is an expression by an unknown authorof the generosity of God...
We are profoundly impressed with the unlimited resources of the God of the Bible. He never does anything small, When He makes an ocean He makes it so deep that no man can fathom it. When He makes a mountain he makes it so large that no one can measure or weigh it. When He makes flowers, He scatters multiplied millions of them where there is no one to admire them but Himself. When He makes grace, He makes it without sides or bottom and leaves the top off. Instead of giving salvation with a medicine dropper, He pours it forth like a river.
When God sets out to do a thing for us, He does it with a prodigality of love-prompted abundance that fairly staggers one who reckons things by the coldly calculating standards of earth.
Whatever blessing is in our cup it is sure to run over. With Him the calf is always the fatted calf; the robe is always the best robe; the joy is unspeakable; the peace passeth understanding; the grace is so abundant that the recipient has all-sufficiency for all things, and abounds to every good work.
There is no grudging in God's benevolence; He does not measure out His goodness as the apothecary counts his drops and measures his drams, slowly and exactly, drop by drop. God's way is always characterized by multitudinous and overflowing bounty, like that in nature which is so profuse in beauty and life that every drop of the ocean, every square inch of the forest glade, every molecule of water, teems with marvels and defies the research and investigation of man. Well may we cry with the Apostle,"I have all and abound."

Visit the BIBLE VERSE of the Day; In Touch Daily by Charles Stanley;Today's Reading in My Utmost For His Highest by Oswald Chambers
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