A heart for God begins with a hunger for God, and that, says Dr. Charles Stanley, must be cultivated. Got me thinking. Cultivation happens while reading God's Word, all the while listening in the heart, which settles in the rows the particular seeds chosen by God. The planted seeds must be watered, and that happens by sprinkling questions on them. And pondering is like hoeing. Pretty soon understanding pops out of the ground. The fruit of the Spirit begins to develop and distinguish itself as the plants are tended and nurtured...and in time, these fruits—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, self control—are harvested with plenty to spare. A heart for God will hunger for God regularly, just as the stomach hungers for food.

Visit the BIBLE VERSE of the Day; In Touch Daily by Charles Stanley;Today's Reading in My Utmost For His Highest by Oswald Chambers