Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Testimony of a Miracle Girl

Shelby gave her Aplastic Anemia testimony (9-18-15) at the coffee house gathering held monthly at The Little White Church in Hill City. A nice crowd came together, filtering in as Shelby spoke. Here it is, though lengthy...

My Testimony

- I’ll start off with my early childhood:

- When I was very young I was diagnosed with PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder)…also referred to as a mild form of autism.

- My single mom tried hard to meet the challenges that came with me.

- When I was a toddler she began letting me stay with my grandparents once in a while for a week or two, and they lived about 450 miles away at that time.

- It was a fun adventure for me, and it gave my mom some time to regroup.

- Then each summer I would visit my grandparents for a few weeks, once they moved to Hill City to start their "retirement" business, and I was always so happy to be back in Hill City.

- And the first year I moved up here is when Hill City had their first soccer team, and of course, I wanted to play…

 - So my grandpa wanted me to have health insurance in case I got hurt. He did all the research and couldn’t find insurance for me, but finally went to SD Medicaid. And so, I played my first year of soccer…no injuries.

- I was just into the second year, and that is when I started seeing symptoms…